Brikama Area Council Update on CEO Jonga, Finance Director

Following a unanimous resolution to recommend the removal of our Chief Executive Officer and the Director of Finance to the Local Government Service commission (LGSC) as per the dictates.

To this effect, the CEO served the Director of Finance a formal letter to restrain him doing all designated official functions and to surrender all asests belongings to council, pending the outcome of the resolution as per the advice of the LGSC and the DF complied.

Adhering to the advice of LGSC, the office of the Chairman also instructed the CEO formally to restrain from official functions, which eventually created a power vacuum in the administration.

Acting swiftly, the council temporarily assigned the Ag: Director of Admin and the Finance manager to assume functions of the CEO and Director of Finance respectively, notably signing of cheques for a continued service delivery and to expedite other financial obligations, pending the outcome of the resolution from the LGSC.

However, in a letter addressed to the Ag: Director of Admin and the Finance manager from the Permanent Secretary of our line ministry, instructed the duos to desist from assuming the functions of CEO and Director of Finance. A copy of this letter was sent to Eco and Trust bank to restrict our accounts against our alternative signatories.

It’s worth noting that, the LGSC is the apex body mandated to deal with staff matters in the councils, and since inception we are duly cooperating with them in these matters.

To our dismay and disappointment, we confirmed that our line ministry’s permanent secretary Saffie Sankareh Farage fall sort to adequately consult with the LGSC on the matter to rationally informed herself on the development of the matter.

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