Most universities use text books for their class instructions but I’vy league schools like Harvard University use case studies as teaching materials. Gambia need to adopt similar pedagogy inorder for us to really understand the psyche of some of our national political operatives as there exist a transfer window in our political system. This is as a result of political entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is as old as business and the desire to maximise profits has always been the bottom line of business people. Generally, politicians gravitate towards an ideology or cause and their groupings are based on ideals. We see political figures change sides like the English weather in our neck of the woods and ost of the time it is premised on economic gain. It is time the university of the Gambia offer a cause on political entrepreneurship and there are abundantlecturers around to teach the class this shameful act that give politicians a bad name.
Political entrepreneurship has taken root in the Gambia and the notion CAVEAT EMPTOR ( buyer beware) should be the guiding principle for voters. To the run up of the last presidential elections, many candidates switched sides and they have been offered positions post elections as ambassadors, advisors etc. Most if not all the candidates that shifted allegiance to Barrow stated in explicit terms that the Gambia under Barrow is a fail case of good governance. What has changed in the past 7 years? Not much but their personal desire for relevance and perks.
Our body politics is a reflection of our wider societal norms and this is a worrying development that will deter the progress of our nation. Genuine change can only be effected if we collectively take the task of nation building seriously. Vultures, charlatans and opportunists are rapidly engulfing our political space at the expense of sincere discourse and transformation. This shows our resolve and seriousness towards rebuilding our nation. The choice is ours collectively and the decisions we take will determine the outcome of our standard of living, quality of life and the state of our nation. Time for an introspective look at self as our nation wallow in abject poverty, destitution and maladministration. Most are taking this election lightly our injecting emotions ghat will cloud rational judgement. I hope we let sanity and patriotism prevail in the face of adversity.

By: Nyang Njie