The Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (MoHERST) and stakeholders, recently concluded a two-day validation workshop of The Gambia College Transformation Committee (GCTC) report on the transformation of The Gambia College into a University of Education.
In his closing remarks, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology, Dr. Yusupha Touray, expressed his heartfelt appreciation to the GCTC committee for their great efforts and the participants for making it a success.
PS Touray said the Higher Education Ministry, through the leadership of the Hon. Minister, Professor Pierre Gomez, will push harder to ensure that certain programmes are created in the University of Education that will bring back to the classroom, teachers with quality education and necessary training.
He thanked The Gambia College Transformation Committee for the enormous job and expressed hope that the report will be fully implemented.
Dr. Katim Touray, Chairman of GCTC, also commended members of the committee and all the participants in the review of the report. “What we have done is a very humble and relevant move. Everybody should be passionate about education, and quality education for that matter. Therefore, coming up with this report to address quality is really crucial,” Chairman Touray stated.
He concluded by thanking the Minister of Higher Education, Professor Pierre Gomez for trusting them, and the entire staff of MoHERST and the participants for their effective participation in the review.
Dr. Henriette Sonko, Coordinator of MRC Holland Foundation, also underscored the relevance of the occasion while urging for the process of ensuring quality education system to continue.
“We have to consider the youth by creating alternative avenues for them to get the requisite skills or training of their choices,” Dr. Sonko further remarked.

She finally thanked the Higher Education Ministry and the task force committee for a job done.