After close to thirty years, the wheels of justice have turned, and a final verdict to the brutal killings by the Jammeh regime. Unfortunately, it has to take people who are not even connected to the crimes against the Gambian people, from faraway land, to say that this was crime against humanity.
Is this not a clear indication that in every aspect, the lives of countries like Germany, in this Duniya seem to be much more promising than ours. Al though, I celebrate the verdict with a conflicted emotion because Bai Lowe is at the bottom of the lists of perpetrators who for years committed the worst crimes against the Gambian people.

This should be a reminder to the Gambia Government, no matter how long it takes, or the temptation for political benefits, crimes perpetrated by the Jammeh regime should never be compromised. Finally, a big thank you to the German judiciary for sending a clear message to Jammeh and his accolades that their day of reckoning is very near.
By: Musa Jeng