Today I attended the re – establishing of The ANNE MARIE JAVOUHEY AVENUE. I was particularly happy to be amongst the Catholic mission to celebrate a Saint – The Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey who was Beatified in 1950 by Pope Pius XII who described her as “The First Woman Missionary” commonly referred to as ‘a great missionary” and “Liberator of Slaves”.
For those who were witnesses to the establishment of the first sign post in honor of the Saint Anne Marie Javouhey, the Mayor at that time – Hon. Malick Lowe, the then Mayor of the City of Banjul was my father . I have the honor to re-establish the sign post as the Mayor of the City of Banjul. My dad did it first and I am doing it the second time. What a co-incidence , I do think that wherever they both are, they will be pleased to notice how events have unfolded over time.I am also happy and grateful to God Almighty that I am able to do this for the Catholic Church that played a crucial role in my upbringing. It is important to let you know that I am a proud graduate of the St. Joseph High School and I can tell you with all certitude and joy that the lessons I learnt from that school have impacted my life a great deal.

The role that The Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey played in her life especially in Africa cannot be underestimated. She vehemently opposed the inhumane act of slavery and did all she could to stop it and that must be remembered by Africans. Her missionary works and her care for the less privileged, needs to take center stage in our lives as she was an example of what the Lord Jesus Christ preached while on earth according to the gospel of Mark Chapter 12 verse 31 – Love your neighbor as yourself.
I thank the Catholic Mission for making history repeat itself in a way.