I’m a barrister before I became a politician, I don’t join to enrich myself but because of the welfare and wellbeing of our beloved nation The Gambia. Secondly I involved in to politics at a time when our comrades were looking for a new sense of leadership simply because the then Government offered them only one option that is authoritarian leadership ( to rule with iron), we sacrificed our privileges, freedom and security to offer a sense of leadership and give our people a second option which is a struggle towards a free and prosperous nation.
With all these setbacks, we have not given up on unity, but our view remains that the most important unity will have to come from the people of Gambia, and not just politicians. That is why we are the United democratic party Although we had many parties keen to have us take them over and lead them, our decision to take over UDP was consciously made because of our belief in National Unity.
Of course we continue to engage with all Gambians, be it political leaders or not.
In the coming year, each one of us should simply double his or her effort while trusting in God. Freedom is in sight.

Happy New Year to you all.