Alagie Kebbeh Charged with Economic Crime

Alagie Kebbeh arraigned in court and charged with economic crime and theft for allegedly embezzling funds and stealing rice that was intended for Covid-19 relief distribution.

The State, (Attorney General Chambers), has filed charges against Alagie Kebbeh before the High Court. Kebbeh pleaded not guilty to both counts.

According to the indictment, Kebbeh is accused of committing an economic crime. The state alleges that between the years 2020 and 2021, Kebbeh received a sum of D64,080,000 (sixty-four million, eighty thousand Dalasis) from 39 vendors for the supply of 58,500 bags of 50 kg rice to the government.

However, investigations have revealed that only 17,096 bags were delivered, while the remaining 41,404 bags were intentionally withheld which constitutes an offense under Section 5 (f) of the Economic Crime Act.

In count 2, Kebbeh is accused of theft under section 245 of the Criminal Code. The state alleges that between the years 2020 and 2021, Kebbeh stole 41,404 bags of 50KG rice that belonged to the Gambian government. According to the state the rice bags were designated for distribution to vulnerable families affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The charges were read before him in court, and Kebbeh denied any wrongdoing. In an affidavit sworn by himself(Kebbeh). Kebbeh asserts that he has been charged with one count of Economic Crimes under Section 5(a) of the Economic Crimes Act and theft under Section 246 of the Criminal Code.

He states that he was arrested between May and June 2023 and was detained at the Police headquarters for 24 days without being charged or arraigned before any court.

He further explains that he was granted bail in the amount of D44,000,000, which he fulfilled, and was released. As a condition of his bail, he was required to report twice a week, which he adhered to. However, on July 4, 2023, after reporting on bail, he received a call from Modou Gaye officers at the Fraud Squad instructing him to come to Banjul.

Upon reporting to the Fraud Squad on July 5, he was detained and has been in detention for the past 3 months and 11 days.

Kebbeh further stated that he has four wives and thirteen children, with his youngest child being a 5-week-old boy named Abdul Latif Kebbe, whom he has not been able to see since birth. He states that all his children are attending school, including two who are in university.

He asserts that if released on bail, he will not interfere with any witnesses and emphasizes that the investigations into the matter have concluded. Kebbeh stated that he is a well-known person in the community, having built a large mosque and Islamic school (madarasa) for the community. He denies knowing the witnesses who are set to testify against him and promises not to interfere with them.

Kebbeh further states that his Counsel, L.S. Camara informs him that the investigations have been concluded and that the charges against him are bailable offenses. Kebbe states that he has no criminal record or any offense to the law.

He affirms that he will not interfere with any ongoing investigations and states that he has people ready and willing to act as sureties for him if the court grants him bail.

Kebbe highlights his commitment to not jump bail and assures his presence in court for trial. He also states that his passport and other travel documents have been with the Police since his arrest. He indicates being under investigation by the police since his initial arrest and detention in May/June 2023, adding that his travel documents are currently with the police, making it clear that he poses no flight risk.

Kebbeh asserts that he will diligently appear in court on every date for the hearing of the case. He believes that, given the cumulative period of his detention, it is fair and just for him to be granted bail. He affirms that the Court has the jurisdiction to grant him bail, and he believes it will be in the interest of justice for him to be granted bail.

The court granted him a bail sum of 16 million dalasis (Sixteen million dalasis) with three Gambian sureties and ordered him to tender all his travel documents to the registrar of the court. The state is prepared to bring its first witness in the next adjourned date.

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