Today, with a heavy hearts, the nation mourned yet another devastating loss of over 50 Gambian souls who perished at sea during their desperate quest for a better life in Europe. These human beings, driven by excruciating circumstances in search of hope and opportunity, met a cruel fate that leaves us tearful, angered, and stricken by grief.
Reflecting on this immense tragedy, we are reminded of the harrowing stories that these courageous individuals carried with them. They left behind their homes, families, and everything they held dear, clinging to dreams of a brighter future. They embarked on a treacherous journey, confronting unimaginable dangers in the pursuit of a better life for themselves and their loved ones.
Their path was paved with adversity, as they faced trepidation, exploitation, and unforgiving elements. The sea they navigated, once a symbol of freedom and possibility, turned into a grave that swallowed their aspirations, extinguishing the flame of their dreams. It saddens us profoundly to know that so many lives were lost in the relentless pursuit of a dignified existence.

Behind the cold statistics, we find stories of remarkable resilience, strength, and determination. These brave souls were not mere numbers, but individuals who deserved a chance to thrive, to celebrate life’s little joys, and to contribute to a better world. They were sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers. They were artists, scholars, laborers, and dreamers. They held aspirations, talents, and aspirations that remain forever unfulfilled. Today, we must remember that our collective empathy, compassion, and resilience are urgently needed. We must unite to address the root causes that drive so many into the arms of uncertainty and perilous journeys. Let us stand together, hand in hand,and demand change from those in power, urging them to acknowledge the profound responsibility.
By: Ousman Jammeh