My friend, the cabalistic and generous Nestor is back with more wisdom to spit. Seeing me always brings out the best in him. Mmajiki, he begins:
“Allow me to remind you that sometimes when people insist or expect that you should be loyal to them, it is only a way for them to control you. Don’t fall for it. Be loyal because you feel it’s right, not because you feel obligated to be loyal.”
“Allakubarr, Mbitang mamangta, Santangno yeh sabaa mbeh ye tu”, I exclaimed in admiration.
“Mmajiki, while at it, please tell Elakay that it’s okay to lose friends. Don’t be too afraid to cut them off, especially friends that whisper with your sworn enemies and then withdraw! True friends will never collude with your enemies on anything that will harm you.”
“Ndeysan,” I muttered in awe.
“Mmajiki, you may be related to Njawkumbaa but that does not mean he loves you. Sometimes, your most dangerous enemies are within your family. They’ll be the ones to kill you if they can get away with it and it doesn’t even have to be over inheritance! We have witnessed hatred even among twins especially where one is stagnant while the other floats! Blood relation means something but not to everyone.”
“You don’t say,” I said angrily.
Mmajiki, let no one make you an eternal slave because they helped you before. Gratitude shouldn’t be limitless where it is used to control you. Some will help you once and try to make it a debt you have to keep paying forever. Don’t do it.
“Thank you, Sage,” I offered in gratitude.
“Mmajiki, do you remember Zaza the Indian?”
“The dark-skinned beauty you once introduced me to?” I asked.

“Tell me, Sir,” I prodded.
“The day I told her that I loved her and she responded she cared about me a lot was the day I ended our relationship. Mmajiki, sometimes, you don’t have to accept the truth if a lie feels better. I am getting a call from Nnadingding, let me get back to you.”
By: Alagie Saidy-Barrow