Dear Tourism Minister,
I write to express my deepest disappointment and concern regarding your recent remarks undermining and belittling the social sciences in the growth and development of our beloved country, the Gambia. Your comments not only demonstrate a profound ignorance on the subject matter, but also a disregard for the significant contribution that these disciplines make to our society.
It is truly disheartening to see a public figure, such as yourself, dismiss such vital fields that have been instrumental in advancing our understanding of human behavior, institutions, and governance. Scholars and experts in political science and the social sciences have made tremendous contributions to policy-making, democratization, and social progress across the globe. Their work has helped shape and refine our understanding of complex societal issues, including economic development, human rights, social inequality, and conflict resolution.
Prominent scholars such as Amartya Sen, Robert Putnam, and Elinor Ostrom have extensively highlighted the critical role of political science in providing insights into political systems, institutions, and governance structures that shape countries’ trajectories. Their research emphasizes the importance of inclusive governance, accountable institutions, and social cohesion in sustainable development.

Moreover, social sciences provide valuable tools and methodologies for data collection, analysis, and policy evaluation. By engaging in rigorous research, political scientists contribute to evidence-based policymaking, which ultimately leads to more effective and equitable outcomes. I’m a pure social science student who had serve my country in different ways. To say I’m proud of been a social science student is an understatement.
It is deeply disappointing that, as the Tourism Minister, you fail to recognize the relevance and impact of social sciences on our country’s development. I urge you to reconsider your stance, engage with experts in the field, and promote interdisciplinary collaboration that can ensure a more holistic and informed approach to policy-making.
Anil B. Deolalikar, an esteemed scholar and Professor of Economics, in his research titled “The Role of Social Sciences in Addressing Global Challenges” emphasized that social sciences enable governments to shape policies that alleviate poverty, promote equality, and foster sustainable development. By analyzing and comprehending the social, cultural, and political dimensions of our society, policymakers are better equipped to formulate strategies that address the specific needs and aspirations of our citizens.
Moreover, political science, as a discipline, elucidates the functioning of governments, political systems, and their impact on public welfare. Prominent thinkers such as Aristotle, Niccolò Machiavelli, and Karl Popper have extensively studied political systems to enhance governance practices. Their works emphasize the importance of political institutions, good governance, and the rule of law in fostering long-term economic prosperity and social harmony.

International relations, a branch of political science, also plays a crucial role in a country’s development. Renowned scholar Joseph Nye, in his book “Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics,” highlights the significance of effective diplomacy, cultural exchange, and international cooperation. These aspects not only promote tourism but also attract foreign investment, improve trade relations, and facilitate global partnerships essential for economic growth. Our country deserves leaders who appreciate the value of diverse knowledge and expertise, and who recognize the immense contributions that the social sciences make to our society. Only by embracing these disciplines can we hope to foster a more inclusive, prosperous, and resilient nation. It is essential to recognize that the social sciences, which encompass disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, economics, and political science, offer valuable insights necessary for understanding societal dynamics and formulating effective policies. Scholars like Karl Marx and Max Weber have extensively studied the intricacies of social systems, highlighting how they directly impact economic progress and political stability.
Your Sincerely,
Ousman Jammeh.
A final year development studies student.